Are you tired of hearing: "If you share your wish it won't come true?"
It's time to SHARE them, and help each other make them a reality, rather than just part of a fairy tale.
Tell the world what you wish for at 11:11, or when you blow out your candles, or on dandelion, or on the first star you see at night, or what you would tell your fairy godmother, or a genie in a lamp, or any other times you make a wish!
Secrecy is the way of the past, tell the world what you want and what you wish!
Here's HOW to make your wish come true:
1) write your wish on a piece of paper
2) Take a picture of yourself holding it
3) email it to: and we'll do the rest
OR: just write the wish in an email and send it, or create a fun collage (check postsecrets for example)
optional steps:
- make a youtube video about your wish
- post your wish on a facebook album
- post your photo on our facebook group: i have one wish
- twitter your wish and link to blog
- help others wishes come true!!!!